

Results of the 2024 European elections

Political PartyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared to 2019
FdI - Fratelli d'ItaliaECR6 725 14328.76%24↑ 20
PD - Partito DemocraticoS&D5 638 13024.11%21↑ 2
M5S - Movimento Cinque StelleNI2 333 1939.98%8↓ 6
FI – NM - Coalition Forza italia - Noi Moderati (Forza Italia, Noi Moderati)EPP2 243 2459.59%8↑ 2
Lega - Lega Salvini PremierID2 099 3558.98%8↓ 20
Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra - Coalition Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra (Europa Verde, Sinistra Italiana)Greens/EFA1 584 8856.78%6Newcomer
SVP - Südtiroler Volkspartei (Popolare Sudtirolese)EPP120 8790.52%1=


List of Italian MEPs

Results of the 2019 European elections

Political PartiesEuropean affiliation Number of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared with 2014
Northern League, LN Identity and Democracy9 148 11234.33 %28
Democratic Party, PD S&D6 047 11822.69 %19
5 Stars Movement M5S EFDD4 549 99917.07 %14
Forza Italia EPP2 344.4658.79 %7
Brothers of Italy – National AllianceECR1 722 2546.46 %5
Südtiroler VolksparteiEPP141 353 0.53%1


Electoral Procedures for 2024

> Election Dates : 8-9 June 2024
> Number of MEPs : 76
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 25 years
> Who can vote? European citizens living in Italy.


Electoral rules

> Voting method : Preferential vote
> Means for attributing seats : Whole shares and highest remainder
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? Oui
> Number of constituencies: 5
> Number MEPs per constituency : Centrale (15) ; Insulare (8) ; Meridionale (18) ; Nord-occidentale (20) ; Nord-orientale (15)


Institutions and political situation

Republic, parliamentary democracy

– Head of State: Sergio Mattarella

– President of the Council: Giorgia Meloni


> Currency : Euro
> GDP : € 1 909 153 million (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : € 32 390 (2022)
> GDP Growth : -0.4% (Q2 2023)
> Unemployment: 7.3% (August 2023)
> Inflation : 5.3% (September 2023)
> Public Debt : 140.4% of the GDP (2023)


Geography and population

Surface Area: 301,340 km²

Population: 58.8 million inhabitants (2023)


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