
Results of the 2024 European elections

Political PartyEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared to 2019
GL - PvdA - Coalition GL - PvdA (GroenLinks, PvdA)S&D - Greens/EFA1 313 38421.1%4 - 4↓ 1
PVV - Partij voor de VrijheidID1 056 31617%6↑ 5
VVD - Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en DemocratieRenew Europe706 44711.3%4↓ 1
CDA - Christen-Democratisch AppèlEPP588 6179.5%3↓ 1
D66 - Democraten 66Renew Europe522 8158.4%3↑ 1
BBB - BoerBurgerBewegingEPP336 3165.4%2Newcomer
Volt - Volt NederlandNI319 2385.1%2Newcomer
PvdD - Partij voor de DierenGUE/NGL281 4624.5%1=
NSC - Nieuw Sociaal ContractEPP233 2753.7%1Newcomer
SGP - Staatkundig Gereformeerde PartijECR227 6103.7%1=


List of Dutch MEPs

Results of the 2019 European elections

Political partiesEuropean affiliationNumber of votesPercentage of votesNumber of seatsTrend compared with 2014
Labour Party S&D19.01 %6
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy Renew Europe14.64 %4
Christian Democratic Appeal EPP12.18 %4
Forum for Democracy ECR10.96 %3New
GreenLeftGreens/EFA10.90 %3
Democrats 66 Renew Europe7.09 %2
Christian Union ECR6.83 %2
Animals Party GUE/NGL4.02 %1
50PLUS3.91 %1
Freedom Party 3.53 %0
Socialist Party (SP) 3.37 %0


Electoral Procedures

Election Dates : 6 June 2024
> Number of MEPs : 31
> At what age can one vote? 18 years
> At what age can one be elected? 18 years
> Who can vote? European citizens living in Netherlands.


Electoral rules

Voting method : Représentation proportionnelle (vote préférentiel)
> Means for attributing seats : D’Hondt Method
> Can candidates be chosen from a list? Yes


Institutions and political situation

Constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy
– Head of State : King Willem-Alexander
– Prime Minister : Mark Rutte (VVD),  tendered his resignation from the government on July 8th 2023. The key ministries remain in office on an interim basis until a new government is formed following the general election on November 22nd, won by the Freedom Party (PVV), followed by the coalition of socialist and green parties (Labour Party-Green Left alliance (PvdA-GL)).



> Currency : Euro
> GDP : € 941 186 million (2022)
> GDP per capita (PPS) : € 53 170 (2022)
> GDP Growth : -0.2% (July 2023)
> Unemployment: 3.7% (September 2023)
> Inflation : 0.2% (September 2023)
> Public Debt : 48.3% of GDP (March 2023)


Geography and population

Surface Area: 41.543 km²

Population: 17.8 million inhabitants (2023)


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